For Your Information
(or Blog)
There is a plethora of topics related to the subject of continuous improvement. This page will explore different perspectives of some of these areas.
Well-Define Process
What is a well-defined process? Sometimes we get the question: What does working with us look like? That will vary depending on the business, the problem or opportunity they have, and the [...]
Data Integrity – It’s more important than ever!
We live in an era in which we’re inundated with data. Is it helping us as leaders to make better decisions? Ironically, when people don’t like the data, they can fudge the numbers, [...]
What is Quality? What is Value?
What is Quality? What is Value? There are many, many factors any organization needs to work on for their operation to be successful. Culture, leadership and their customer experience are [...]
The 5 Why’s aren’t so simple.
The 5-Why's tool is effective WHEN USED CORRECTLY! In ThinkReliability's April 24 newsletter they had an article which looked at the top 5 criticisms of the 5-Why approach. They are: Tendency for investigators to [...]
What is Improvement?
What about the world of Improvement? More over, what about continuous improvements? Let's look at the meaning of those two words. Continuous; on-going. Improvement; current status is better than the past. Not very difficult [...]